Here you will find a variety of posts, varying from details about my journey to becoming an author and some short stories I wanted to share with you. Welcome and enjoy!
March 22, 2024
It is always the first step that is the hardest. When we were babies, crawling seemed easy, we were close to the ground. The fear is lessened that we can't fail. As we grow, we must stand up and learn to take those wobbly first steps. Unsure that we won't come crashing down upon ourselves. Luckily, we have parents there to cheer us on and catch us if we start to tumble. After those first steps we gain momentum. Soon running and nothing can stop us. This is true even as we venture out into the world. There are more proverbial steps than actual first steps like a baby. A new house. Career changes. Marriage. When we focus on a new dream it is always the first moments that can give us pause. That initial rush of excitement about a new adventure closely followed by the fear and panic. Questions that have you looking at your feet wondering if you can even move forward. Most of us end up staying where it is safe. Where it is known. Unsure that we won't fail. We watch as others chase their dreams and wonder how they make it look so easy.
There are so many songs talking about seizing the moment. Inspirational quotes talking about chasing your dreams. The quote by Les Brown says "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars." ring in our heads as we contemplate taking that first step. As a self-proclaimed perfectionist my biggest fear is that my writing won't be good enough. When I started this journey, I created a excel document (I know strange but as a recovering accountant some habits are hard to kill) and began to fill it with my goals, resources and tasks. I named my marketing tab "Why don't you like me?" mostly as a joke but also to remind me that while it would be nice to be well received by readers I will survive. I can't go another day wondering what if.
It must get to the point where you can't stand not going for it. That you feel like you need to escape because you can't keep going as you are. We only have one life to live, and we should try our best to find what our passions and purpose is and pursue that with all our hearts. I hope that you join me on this journey, and I am truly happy you are here. I hope I can make you laugh, and cry, and think. Think differently about the world around you and maybe even about yourself. Welcome!
Here on my website, you will find short stories that I wish could be longer novels but feel better as short stories. You will read about my journey from the corporate world and working toward my own publishing deal. I am by no means perfect, and I won't pretend to be, but I promise that I will be real and authentic and hopefully create something that will resonate with just one person.